The parish offers hospitality during the week for older members of our community

Clubs and Coffee Mornings


Lunch Club

Every Tuesday 12.30-1.45pm

St Stephen’s Lunch Club caters for people living in the parish who are aged from their mid-70s upwards. We give priority to those living on their own. Each week, the Lunch Club volunteers cook and serve a two-course meal. For a very small charge, this lovely social setting allows our members to catch up with friends and to make new ones. We do ask that those joining Lunch Club make a regular commitment to attending so we can cater for the right numbers and keep our waiting list for places as short as possible.

If you would like to know more about the St Stephen’s Lunch Club (either to reserve a place or maybe to volunteer to help) contact the Parish Office, 01727 862598.


St Stephen’s Wednesday Coffee Morning

Every Wednesday from 10am after Holy Communion in St Stephen’s Church.

Come and join this friendly group offering hot drinks, cakes and biscuits from 10am onwards. Held at the back of St Stephen’s Church.


St Julian’s Thursday Coffee & Cake

Every Thursday 10:30am until midday

Enjoy a freshly brewed tea or coffee, delicious home made cake and the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of St Julian’s Church Hall. All welcome.

We are in need of helpers to serve tea and coffee, could you spare some time to help us? Contact the Parish Office, 01727 862598 if you’d like to be involved.

Community Shed

Every Friday, 10.30am - 12.30pm St Stephen’s Church Hall

A space for social interaction and craft sessions for people in the local parish to relieve loneliness and isolation.

Free to attend but donations are welcome.

For more information contact